Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Campaign Summary – 10th September 1813

General Wrede allows his 10th division to rest and establish a supply depot at Rohrbach.   His 9th division is escorting the survivors of 1st Austrian corps to Munich as prisoners of war.

Both 8th French corps and 2nd Austrian corps have heavy battle casualties, and were expected to rest and recover.  However General Bertrand wants to increase the pressure of Wrede’s victory.  He orders his corps to attack Withering.    The result was a close fought battle, which could easily have gone either way.   Both corps were fragile due to casualties, but it was the Austrians who broke.   The loss of a cavalry melee led to a rout, which quickly spread throughout the corps.

The long awaited decisive battle in the south proved to be less decisive than expected.   Both Oudinot and Charles were present, with their reserves, for the battle at Wels.   The result was a minor Austrian victory.

However the Austrian’s had lost six of the nine battle fought during the campaign.   1st corps had ceased to exist and 2nd corps was in retreat.   3rd corps, and the reserve, held Wels.  But they would soon face overwhelming odds.

As night fell Archduke Charles received news that 2nd corps had lost at Withering and was in retreat. 

He ordered a general retreat towards Vienna.

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