Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Second Battle of Obernzell - 8th September 1813

Tactical Map at start of battle

Left – 7th Bavarian corps have orders to attack Obernzell
Right – 1st Austrian division has orders to hold Obernzell
Far Right – 2nd Austrian division has orders to rest and resupply

Table at start of battle

Top left is an unnamed farm
Centre is the town of Obernzell
Right is the river Danube
The road west leads to Passau
The road east leads to Rohrburg
The road south leads to Raab

7th Bararian Corps                  1st Austrian Division  
6320 infantry                          3200 infantry             
800 cavalry                             400 cavalry                
800 gunners                            400 gunners

Special Rules
10th Bavarian division will enter centre left at the start of move one
9th Bavarian division will enter bottom left at the start of move one

2nd Austrian division will not take part in this battle
They are a full days march away and do not have orders to march to the sound of the guns

Move 1 – 0800 to 0900

Left – French
10th division (top) enters the table on Attack orders
Corps commander changes their orders to Engage
9th division (bottom) enters table on Attack orders

Right – Austrian
1st division is on Hold orders, they can neither advance nor retreat
Enemy are out of artillery range
Corps commander can only see one enemy division and does not change 

Move 2 – 0900 to 1000

Left – French
10th division (top) send cavalry to pin Austrian right flank
Rest of division deploy to attack
9th division (bottom) cavalry advance to pin Austrian left flank
Remainder of division advance through hills
Corps commander changes their orders to Engage

Right – Austrian
Infantry on right flank form square
Artillery fire on infantry but no casualties
Corps commander sights enemy cavalry bottom left
He orders 1st division to retreat towards river Danube.

Move 3 – 1000 to 1100

Left – French
10th division (top) advance and deploy
Receive first artillery casualties
9th division (bottom) cavalry lose melee and rout back to hill
Artillery unlimber on hill
Infantry advance in column of attack

Right – Austrian
Hussar brigade charge and rout Bavarian light horse
They are disordered by the melee, and are now within short range of enemy artillery on hill
Infantry form square on flanks, centre starts to retreat
Artillery limber and retire towards bridge

Move 4 – 1100 to 1200

Left – French
10th division (top) infantry advance towards enemy square
Artillery fire on square and cause 10% casualties
9th division (bottom) artillery fire on Austrian horse and cause 10% casualties
Infantry advance and fire on enemy cavalry, but no casualties
Cavalry rally on hill.

Right – Austrian
Hussar brigade retreat towards river
Town garrison and centre infantry brigade retreat through the town
Infantry on flanks retire in square.

Move 5 – 1200 to 1300

Left - French
10th division (top) artillery fire on square and cause casualties
Two infantry brigades advance and cause more casualties with skirmish fire
Artillery limber and advance
9th division (bottom) cavalry rally and advance towards woods
Infantry advance over hill and form at base
Artillery limber and prepare to advance

Right - Austrian
Infantry square (top) receive 30% casualties, fail morale and rout
Infantry square (bottom) form column of march and join retreat
Division has now broken contact with the enemy

Move 6 – 1300 to 1400

Left – French
10th division (top) cavalry charge and cut down routed infantry
Remainder of division pursue retreating enemy
9th division (bottom) cavalry advance south of woods
Infantry and artillery deploy ready to advance

Right – Austrian
Routed infantry brigade cut down by enemy cavalry
Remainder of division continue to retreat towards the bridge
Landwehr brigade form square north of bridge to protect the retreat

Move 7 – 1400 to 1500

Left – French
10th division (top) move north of town to support cavalry
9th division (bottom) move between town and woods
Cavalry charge Austrian hussars, lose melee and retire Shaken

Right - Austrian
Continue to retreat towards river

Move 8 – 1500 to 1600

Left – French
10th division (top) continue to advance towards river
9th division (bottom) CinC takes command of Shaken cavalry brigade

Right - Austrian
Division has reached bridge
The enemy is too close for them to cross to the east bank
They will have to deploy and hold the bridge until night fall.

Move 9 – 1600 to 1700

Left – French
10th division (top) artillery unlimber,  infantry deploy to attack
9th division (bottom) cavalry join rest of division

Right - Austrian
Jager brigade retire across the bridge
Cavalry withdraw facing the enemy
Remainder of infantry form square and move towards bridge

Move 10 – 1700 to 1800

Left – French
10th division (top) artillery open fire but no casualties
9th division (bottom) artillery unlimber, infantry and cavalry move towards bridge

Right - Austrian
Cavalry follow jager brigade over bridge
Artillery and two infantry brigades form rear guard
They must hold for two hours until nightfall

Move 11 – 1800 to 1900

Left – French
10th division (top) artillery fire on square and inflict casualties
Infantry fire on gunners who rout and flee over the bridge
9th division (bottom) artillery fire on grenadier brigade and inflict casualties

Right - Austrian
Gunners fail morale due to infantry fire and rout onto the bridge
Hussar brigade already on bridge are shaken
Jager brigade moves north from bridge
Both infantry brigades west of the bridge have taken casualties but hold

Move 12 – 1900 to 2000

Left – French
10th division (top) artillery fire on landwehr brigade who rout
9th division (bottom) artillery fire on grenadier brigade who also rout
Cavalry charge routed landwehr brigade and cut them down

Right - Austrian
As night falls the division is broken and in rout.
Only the jager brigade remains to form a rear guard


1st Austrian division finished the battle with just one formed infantry brigade to hold the bridge and cover the retreat.   The remainder of the division was effectively destroyed.    This was a battle which should never have been fought.   General Bubna had paid the price of trying to hold the town against odds of two to one and with a river at his back.

The division has lost two infantry brigades cut down and forced to surrender.  
One infantry brigade is in rout and another shaken
The cavalry have routed from the field
The gunners are also in rout and have abandoned their guns
Only one infantry brigade is formed and holds the bridge to cover the rout

The Austrians have lost 1440 infantry and 40 cavalry, plus 40 gunners and their guns
The French have not suffered any casualties

1st Austrian corps have effectively lost one of their two divisions.
The second division will eventually have to face the same odds of two to one

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