Sunday, June 30, 2013

Campaign Summary – 9th September 1813

General Wrede continued his advance east in pursuit of 1st Austrian division.

General Lichtenstein held Rohrbach with the 2nd division of 1st Austrian corps.   He attempted to move west to prevent Wrede crossing the river Danube.  However the mass of 1st division disordered his brigades and prevented him from doing so.

Wrede crossed the river behind the screen of fugitives and deployed on the east bank.  He then pushed forwarded and attacked Rohrbach.

Once more outnumbered two to one Lichtenstein watched as one brigade after another broke and ran.   As night approached he held the town with his only remaining infantry brigade.  

As Wrede prepared to storm the town he received a message from Lichtenstein offering the surrender of 1st Austrian corps.

To the south 8th French corps had moved north towards Obernzell to support Wrede.   But his advance was so swift that they could not contact him.

Further south 9th French corps rested, resupplied and rallied their brigades after taking possession of Vockabruck.

2nd and 3rd Austrian corps had broken contact with the French and also rallied and resupplied their shaken divisions.  

At his headquarters east of Wels Archduke Charles was too far from Rohrbach to be aware that one of his three corps had just surrendered and that he had lost the campaign.

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