Saturday, June 8, 2013

Battle of Raab - 7th September 1813

Tactical Map at start of battle

Left – 8th French corps have orders to attack Raab
           11th division have orders to attack along Altheim road
            5th division have orders to attack south of the river Inn
Right – 2nd Austrian corps have orders to hold Raab

Table at start of battle

Centre left is the town of Raab
Bottom centre is an unnamed farm
The road north leads to Obernzell
The road south leads to Vockabruck
The road west leads to Altheim
The road east leads to Withering

2rd Austrian Corps                  9th French Corps        
6340 infantry                          6400 infantry             
800 cavalry                             760 cavalry                
800 gunners                            800 gunners

Special Rule
5th French division will arrive at the start of move 5 bottom left (south of the river Inn

Move 1 – 0800 to 0900

Left – French
Bertrand orders 11th division to deploy north of the road
Cavalry form line to protect column as it deploys
Artillery have been placed at the rear of the column
Bertrand moves to join 5th division

Right – Austrian
Klenau orders 4th division to deploy south of the town
3rd division (top) is on hold orders and cannot advance
4th division (bottom) advances south of the town

Move 2 – 0900 to 1000

Left – French
11th division move north of road to deploy
Artillery unlimbers in front of the bridge
Cavalry remain in front of column

Right – Austrian
Klenau orders 3rd division (top) to advance and engage enemy
Cavalry move to right flank to counter enemy cavalry
Infantry advance to form line of columns
Artillery manhandle closer to enemy
4th division (bottom) continue to advance towards farm
Cavalry are at the rear of the column

Move 3 – 1000 to 1100

Left – French
11th division manhandle guns towards enemy
Infantry start to deploy

Right – Austrian
3rd division (top) advance towards enemy
4th division continue to advance towards farm

Move 4 – 1100 to 1200

Left – French
Bavarian cavalry charge, and rout, Austrian hussars
They then fail their morale and charge the nearest enemy – a jager brigade in square
The jagers roll poor dice (3 with 2xD6)
Both infantry and cavalry lose 10%, cavalry withdraw 8”, both are disordered
Bavarian artillery fire on nearest infantry and inflict 10% casualties

Right – Austrian
3rd division (top) advance despite losing cavalry melee
Artillery fire on nearest infantry but miss
4th division are now in position to start to deploy

Move 5 – 1200 to 1300

Left - French
Bavarian division (top) redeploy to their right to meet the enemy attack
Artillery continue to inflict casualties on the approaching infantry
French division (bottom) arrive and advance behind cavalry screen
Artillery are at the rear of the column

Right - Austrian
3rd division (top) halt their right wing and attack with the left
Jager brigade advance in square and force enemy cavalry to retire
Artillery now within range and open fire, but no casualties
4th division (bottom) unlimber artillery and form square with leaving infantry
Remainder of division still well to the rear

Move 6 – 1300 to 1400

Left – French
Bavarian division (top) now on Hold orders to await enemy attack
Cavalry withdraw from jager square
Artillery continue to fire on approaching infantry, but no casualties
French division (bottom) use extra command points to bring artillery to the front
Remainder of division follow bend in river towards Bavarian division

Right – Austrian
3rd division (top) left wing about to close with right of Bavarian line
Artillery continue to fire, but fail to inflict any casualties
4th division (bottom) have now deployed half of infantry, artillery and cavalry

Move 7 – 1400 to 1500

Left – French
Bavarian division (top) right hand brigades form line as enemy infantry approach
Cavalry withdraw out of range of Austrian infantry square
Artillery fire on enemy infantry but no casualties
French division (bottom) advance to link with Bavarian division

Right - Austrian
3rd division (top) lose fire fight with Bavarian infantry
Brigade nearest farm lose 20% casualties and withdraw shaken
4th division (bottom) deploy and advance
Artillery cause 10% casualties to cuirassier brigade

Move 8 – 1500 to 1600

Left – French
Bavarian division (top) win firefight and rout Austrian infantry
French division (bottom) withdraw cuirassier brigade
Leading infantry form square to cover full deployment

Right - Austrian
3rd division (top) lose firefight and two brigades rout
4th division (bottom) cavalry lose 10% casualties and withdraw


General Kleanau accepts defeat having lost half of his cavalry and one quarter of his infantry.   3rd division are in disorder having lost their cavalry brigade and half of their infantry in the firefight.   4th division have failed to prevent the 8th French corps concentrating on the east bank of the river Inn.

Austrians have lost 560 infantry and 80 cavalry, three brigades have routed from the field
French have lost 320 infantry and 40 cavalry.

Casualties on both sides were moderate

The Austrians have suffered a major setback.

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