Saturday, April 6, 2013

Campaign Move 1

1200 2nd September 1813

10th Bavarian division hold the town of Passau on the river Inn.

They have been tasked to recce the east bank of the river and secure a crossing
At first light their cavalry brigade is ordered to cross the river by the Obernzell bridge and secure the east end of the bridge.

15 miles to the east 1st Austrian division hold Obernzell.

Their orders are to hold the east bank of the river Inn
They are aware that Passau is occupied by the Bavarians

At first light they send a brigade of hussars to recce the east bank of the river Inn.

As the Bavarian light horse cross the bridge they sight the enemy cavalry approaching along the Obernzell road.   They are on Engage orders and immediately deploy in line on the east bank

The Austrian hussars are also on Engage orders.  They also form line and advance to meet the enemy cavalry.

The first engagement of the campaign is a skirmish between these two cavalry brigades.   The result is a draw, both sides are disordered, neither side suffer any casualties.

Both brigades retire to their parent divisions to seek further orders.

Neither side is able to complete their recce.

Neither side is aware of what they are facing, other than a brigade of cavalry.

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