Thursday, May 2, 2013

Campaign Move 7

1200 4th September 1813

The previous day 1st Austrian corps had lost the battle of Obernzell.
During the night they had retreated to the river Danube
1st division was ordered to form the rear guard
2nd division was ordered to retire to the east bank

7th Bavarian corps had won the battle of Obernzell
General Wrede wanted to advance and occupy Obernzell
But he also wanted to help 8th corps to the south
He was not aware of the location of 3rd Austrian corps
He ordered 9th and 10th divisions to advance to the river Danube

2nd Austrian corps was deployed to hold the bridges over the river Inn
General Klenau was aware of fighting to his north
But the hill prevented him from being able to see how close the enemy were
He ordered 3rd division to send one cavalry and two infantry brigades to recce
The artillery and remaining two infantry brigades would hold the bridge
He ordered 4th division to hold the southern bridge over the river Inn

General Bertrand ordered 8th corps to cross the river Inn
11th division would storm the northern bridge.
5th division would storm the southern bridge.

At first light 9th division spotted 3rd division and vice versa

General Wrede ordered 9th division to take position on the hill
10th division would attack the Austrians holding the Danube bridge

General Klenau came under attack from the 8th corps at first light
The French stormed both bridges, but driven off by the waiting artillery
He was also attacked by 9th division from the north
He sent his hussar brigade to recce, and they were engaged by Bavarian dragoons
The cavalry melee proved ineffective, no casualties and both disordered

General Lichtenstein had to make a difficult decision
Should he continue to retreat his 1st Austrian corps over the river Danube
He could easily do so before Wrede could pin him on the west bank
However to do so would probably result in the destruction of 2nd Austrian corps
He ordered 2nd division to about turn and move to support 2nd corps

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