Sunday, June 30, 2013

Campaign Summary – 9th September 1813

General Wrede continued his advance east in pursuit of 1st Austrian division.

General Lichtenstein held Rohrbach with the 2nd division of 1st Austrian corps.   He attempted to move west to prevent Wrede crossing the river Danube.  However the mass of 1st division disordered his brigades and prevented him from doing so.

Wrede crossed the river behind the screen of fugitives and deployed on the east bank.  He then pushed forwarded and attacked Rohrbach.

Once more outnumbered two to one Lichtenstein watched as one brigade after another broke and ran.   As night approached he held the town with his only remaining infantry brigade.  

As Wrede prepared to storm the town he received a message from Lichtenstein offering the surrender of 1st Austrian corps.

To the south 8th French corps had moved north towards Obernzell to support Wrede.   But his advance was so swift that they could not contact him.

Further south 9th French corps rested, resupplied and rallied their brigades after taking possession of Vockabruck.

2nd and 3rd Austrian corps had broken contact with the French and also rallied and resupplied their shaken divisions.  

At his headquarters east of Wels Archduke Charles was too far from Rohrbach to be aware that one of his three corps had just surrendered and that he had lost the campaign.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Battle of Rohrbach - 9th September 1813

Tactical Map at start of battle

Left – 7th Bavarian corps have orders to attack retreating Austrians
Right – 1st Austrian division has orders to avoid the enemy
Far Right – 2nd Austrian division has orders to hold Rohrbach

Table at start of battle

Right is the town of Rohrbach
Left is the river Danube
The road west leads to Obernzell
The road east leads to Freistadt
The road south leads to Withering

7th Bavarian Corps                  2nd Austrian Division 
6320 infantry                          3200 infantry             
800 cavalry                             400 cavalry                
800 gunner’s                           400 gunners

Special Rules
10th Bavarian division will enter top left at the start of move one
9th Bavarian division will enter centre left at the start of move one

1st Austrian division will continue to rout towards Friestadt
Move 1 – 0800 to 0900

Left – French
Both divisions advance towards river Danube behind cavalry screen

Right – Austrian
1st division rout has reached Rohrbach
2nd division send cavalry to hold northern hill, infantry move to secure southern one

Move 2 – 0900 to 1000

Left – French
Bavarian’s start to cross the river Danube
Cavalry advance to locate the enemy

Right – Austrian
1st division rout has disrupted 2nd division deployment
2nd division replace the landwehr brigade as garrison of Rohrbach

Move 3 – 1000 to 1100

Left – French
10th division (top) moves directly towards the town
9th division (bottom) moves against the Austrian left flank

Right – Austrian
1st division has routed past the town
2nd division deploys to meet the enemy

Move 4 – 1100 to 1200

Left – French
10th division (top) are still crossing the river Danube
9th division (bottom) have crossed and are deploying ready to attack

Right – Austrian
2nd division wait for the enemy to attack

Move 5 – 1200 to 1300

Left - French
Both divisions are now over the river and starting to deploy

Right – Austrian
Waiting for enemy to advance within artillery range

Move 6 – 1300 to 1400

Left – French
10th division (top) cavalry advance to engage enemy hussars
9th division (bottom) infantry move to secure woods and hill
Centre advance into artillery range
Cavalry remain in reserve

Right – Austrian
Artillery cause 10% casualties to Bavarian grenadier brigade

Move 7 – 1400 to 1500

Left – French
10th division (top) cavalry have fought a melee with Austrian dragoons, result a draw
Remainder of the division is advancing towards the enemy
9th division (bottom) grenadier brigade have suffered 20% casualties to artillery fire
They continue to advance, supported by columns on their flanks
Artillery have unlimbered within short range of the enemy
Cavalry are advancing through the woods

Right - Austrian
Cavalry charge resulted in a draw, which failed to stem the enemy advance
All infantry have been deployed in line to fire on approaching enemy
Artillery continue to pound enemy infantry, but they continue to advance

Move 8 – 1500 to 1600

Left – French
10th division (top) cavalry win melee and enemy cavalry retreat
Artillery unlimber within short range of enemy line
Infantry form column of attack and prepare to advance

9th division (bottom) grenadier brigade now have 30% casualties and halt
Other two infantry brigades close with enemy line
Artillery open fire and cause 10% casualties to infantry supporting guns
Cavalry have cleared the woods and form line

Right - Austrian
On the right flank the dragoon brigade has lost the melee and is shaken
Infantry are taking artillery casualties, but hold their position

Move 9 – 1600 to 1700

Left – French
10th division (top) cavalry charge and rout Austrian hussars
Remainder of division advance to attack town
9th division (bottom) grenadier brigade have routed due to artillery casualties
Artillery continue to inflict casualties on infantry line near town
Right hand infantry brigade skirmish with infantry on hill
Cavalry move up in support

Right - Austrian
Division is suffering heavy casualties
(top) landwehr brigade form square and suffer heavy casualties to enemy artillery
(centre) line brigade have lost 20% casualties to artillery fire
(bottom) line brigade on hill have lost 30% casualties in skirmish fight

Move 10 – 1700 to 1800

Left – French
10th division (top) approach town
9th division (bottom) gunners join grenadiers in rout due to enemy fire
Line brigade in centre have routed enemy line in firefight
Cavalry charge shaken enemy grenadiers on hill and rout them

Right - Austrian
With all of his second division, except the garrison of the town, in rout General Lichtenstein orders them to surrender.

1st Austrian corps has suffered its second defeat in two days.   In this battle they have lost 960 casualties, plus 1520 the previous day.   That is a total loss of 2480 out of 800 all arms.

In addition General Lichtenstein has lost all of his artillery, both cavalry brigades plus six of his eight infantry brigades are scattered or cut down.

General Wrede has lost a total of 480 all arms to achieve this convincing victory.

Wrede will have to allocate one of his two divisions to rounding up the scattered Austrian’s and escorting them to Munich as prisoners of war.